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Lycopene in Diet

Lycopene intake is not related to diabetes prevalence (J Nutr 2006 Mar;136(3):620-5) or heart disease, but probably lowers the risk of prostate cancer.

Tomato Paste Has Greater Availability: Paste is 10 times as concentrated in lycopene as tomatoes. Also blood levels 2.5 times higher for lycopene from tomato paste as from tomatoes. Heating changes trans- to cis- and increases availability. Tomato paste same cost per pound as tomatoes. Therefore, tomato paste is 1/25 the cost for lycopene as raw tomatoes! 

Prostate-Specific Antigen Reduced by Tomato Paste: The consumption of tomatoes and tomato products has been associated with a reduced risk of prostate cancer. Researchers found an 11% decreasenin prostate-specific antigen (PSA) levels in 43 patients with benign prostate hyperplasia who consumed 50 g/day of tomato paste for 10 weeks. Effect of the consumption of tomato paste on plasma prostate-specific antigen levels in patients with benign prostate hyperplasia. Edinger MS, et al. Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, RS, Brasil. . Braz J Med Biol Res 2006 Aug;39(8):1115-9.

Tomato Juice Increases Serum Lycopene: Lycopene IV helps bacterially infected mice live longer. Chronic lycopene ingestion decreases mice breast CA and increases helper T lymphocytes. Lycopene is more potent than carotenes in vitro against human CA. It increases gap-junctional cell to cell communication by induction of connexin43 synthesis thereby preventing CA. Tomato juice 2 cups/d worked as well as two different supplements. Tomato juice, but not the supplements, also increases plasma carotenoids other than lycopene, e.g. beta-carotene. Inke Paetau, US Dept Ag, Beltsville Human Nutr Research Center, Am J Clin Nutr 68:1187-95 12/98

Carotenoids & tocopherols Didn’t Help: Harvard’s physician study with 13 yr follow-up. 534 heart attack patients vs. controls. Blood levels of 5 major carotenoids (alpha- and beta-carotene, beta-cryptoxanthin, lutein, and lycopene), retinol, and alpha- and gamma-tocopherol were not protective. Plasma carotenoids and tocopherols and risk of myocardial infarction in a low-risk population of US male physicians. Hak AE, Stampfer MJ, Campos H, Sesso HD, Gaziano JM, Willett W, Ma J. Circulation. 2003 Aug 19;108(7):802-7. 

Lycopene and Beta-Carotene Mildly Protective Against Prostate Cancer: Especially Helpful for Non-Familial Cases: In a case-control study nested within the prospective Health Professionals Follow-up Study, 450 incident prostate cancer victims were matched to 450 controls. Modest inverse, but not statistically significant, associations were observed among plasma alpha-carotene, beta-carotene, and lycopene concentrations, and overall risk of prostate cancer diagnosis [odds ratio (highest versus lowest quintile; OR), alpha-carotene: OR, 0.67; beta-carotene: OR, 0.78; lycopene: OR, 0.66. The inverse association between plasma lycopene concentrations and prostate cancer risk was limited to participants who were 65 years or older (OR, 0.47) and without a family history of prostate cancer (OR, 0.48). Combining, older age and a negative family history provided similar results (OR, 0.43). Inverse associations between beta-carotene and prostate cancer risk were also found among younger participants (<65 years of age; OR, 0.36). Plasma and dietary carotenoids, and the risk of prostate cancer: a nested case-control study. Wu K, Erdman JW Jr, Schwartz SJ, Platz EA, Leitzmann M, Clinton SK, DeGroff V, Willett WC, Giovannucci E. Harvard. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev. 2004 Feb;13(2):260-9

Lycopene Levels Associated with Less Heart Disease in Women: Plasma lycopene and the risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD) in middle-aged and elderly women were measured in a prospective, nested, case-control study in 39 876 women initially free of CVD and cancer in the Women's Health Study. In 4.8 years of follow-up, 483 CVD cases and 483 controls found the relative risks (RR) for increasing quartiles of plasma lycopene were 1.00, 0.78, 0.56, and 0.62. Plasma lycopene, other carotenoids, and retinol and the risk of cardiovascular disease in women. Sesso HD, Buring JE, Norkus EP, Gaziano JM. Harvard. Am J Clin Nutr. 2004 Jan;79(1):47-53

Lycopene Levels Associated with Reduced Mortality in Oral Cancer Chemotherapy Patients: Plasma beta-carotene, alpha-carotene, lycopene, lutein/zeaxanthin, total carotenoids, retinol, alpha-tocopherol and subsequent mortality was investigated in 259 patients in a chemoprevention trial aimed at the prevention of second cancers of the oral cavity, pharynx, or larynx. 61 deaths during 90 months of follow-up. Only plasma lycopene was significantly inversely associated with total mortality [hazard ratio (HR) above versus below median = 0.53]. Plasma alpha-carotene was inversely associated (HR 0.24) while plasma retinol was positively associated (HR 5.12) with cardiovascular death. Smoking status modified plasma nutrient associations with total mortality. Lycopene (HR 0.08), alpha-carotene (HR 0.25) and total carotenoids (HR 0.22) were inversely associated with mortality in non-smokers, while plasma retinol (HR = 3.56) and alpha-tocopherol (HR = 2.47) were positively associated with mortality in smokers. Low plasma lycopene concentration is associated with increased mortality in a cohort of patients with prior oral, pharynx or larynx cancers. Mayne ST, Cartmel B, Lin H, Zheng T, Goodwin WJ Jr. Yale. J Am Coll Nutr. 2004 Feb;23(1):34-42

Carotenoid Vegetables Decrease Cancer & Death in Japan Prospective: 949 males and 1495 females Hokkaido, Japan. In 9 yr f/u, 146 subjects died, with cancer 76. Serum collected at entry of beta- and alpha-carotenes, lycopene, beta-cryptoxanthin, canthaxanthin, zeaxanthin/lutein, tocopherols, and retinol. Age- and gender-adjusted hazard ratios of the groups with high serum levels of lycopene, beta-carotene, zeaxanthin/lutein, and total carotenoids compared to those with low serum levels were 0.36, 0.53, 0.73, and 0.52 for cancers of all sites, and 0.44, 0.59, 0.61, and 0.50 for all causes, respectively. Similar after adjusting for gender, age, smoking habits, alcohol consumption, and serum levels of total cholesterol and glutamic pyruvic transaminase (GPT) activity. Moreover, after excluding mortality within the first three years of follow-up, the hazard ratios of subjects with high serum levels of lycopene, total carotenes, and total carotenoids were significantly and inversely associated with subsequent mortality from all causes and cancers of all sites after adjusting for gender, age, and serum levels of total cholesterol, alpha-tocopherol, and retinol. However, high serum levels of tocopherols and retinol did not help. Serum antioxidants and subsequent mortality rates of all causes or cancer among rural Japanese inhabitants. Ito Y, Suzuki K, Suzuki S, Sasaki R, Otani M, Aoki K. Int J Vitam Nutr Res 2002 Jul;72(4):237-50

Tomato Better Than Lycopene Alone in Rat Study: A University of Illinois study by John Erdman Jr. and Steven Clinton, Nov. 5, 2003, J National Cancer Institute randomly assigned 194 male rats treated with a carcinogen to induce prostate cancer to diets containing whole tomato powder, pure lycopene or a control. Four weeks later, the rats were divided into two groups, with one having unlimited access to food and the second consuming 80 percent of the first's average daily intake. At the conclusion of the feeding portion of the study, histological studies on all of the rats' tissues and blood were done at Ohio State under the direction of Dr. Steven K. Clinton. Rats that had consumed the tomato powder had a 26 percent lower risk of prostate cancer death than control rats, after controlling for diet restriction. The rats fed pure lycopene had a risk of prostate cancer similar to control rats. Prostate cancer had claimed the lives of 80 percent of the control group, 72 percent of the lycopene-fed rats and 62 percent of the rats fed tomato powder. Rats on the restricted diet had an even lower risk of developing prostate cancer, independent of their diets.

Italian Pizza Eaters Lower GI Cancer: Internatl J Cancer 7/23/03 600 Cancer patients with 9 year follow-up vs. 5,000 controls without CA found eaters of pizza once a week or more 58% CA esophagus not pizza eaters vs. 37% controls. Tomato sauce and olive oil thought beneficial although refined flour harmful. Silvano Gallus, Milan.

Decreased Oxidative Damage: 1 week random crossover with tomato products showed decreased oxidative damage to lipids, proteins, and DNA (Nutr Cancer ’98 31:199-03

Lycopene Lowers Lung Cancer: Harvard study of 124,000 for 12 year. Non-smokers lung Cancer 63% lower for those eating the most lycopene. A variety of carotenoids also helped (AJCN 2000;72:990-7

Low Lycopene in Bladder Cancer: Helzlsouer, Cancer Res 49:6144-8, ’89

High Intake Protective Against Cervical Cancer: VanEenwyk J, Int J Cancer ’91, 48:34-8.

Low Lycopene in Pancreatic Cancer: Burney, Am J Clin Nutr 49:895-900, ’89.

Harvard Study Finds Decreased Prostate Cancer: 47000 male health professionals were followed for 6 years. The study found consumption of tomatoes more than twice a week was associated with a 21-34% decrease in prostate CA. Over 10 servings per week yielded a 45% decrease. Six yr f/u of 46 vegetables & fruits & related products. Only tomato sauce (.001), tomatoes (.03), pizza, and strawberries were associated with decreased prostate cancer. Lycopene was linked to a 53% decrease in advanced Prostate CA. E Giovannucci, J Natl Cancer Inst 87:23:1767-76 ’95.

Prostate Cancer Non-Significantly Reduced: In the Prostate, Lung, Colorectal, and Ovarian Cancer Screening Trial, a total of 1,338 cases of prostate cancer were identified among 29,361 men during an average of 4.2 years of follow-up. Lycopene intake was not associated with prostate cancer risk. Statistically nonsignificant inverse associations were noted for pizza [17% decrease in all prostate cancer, P(trend)=0.06 and 21% decrease in advanced prostate cancer: P(trend)=0.12 and spaghetti/tomato sauce consumption (21% decrease in advanced prostate cancer for >or=2 servings/wk versus<1 serving/mo; P(trend)=0.31). A prospective study of lycopene and tomato product intake and risk of prostate cancer. Kirsh VA, et al. National Cancer Institute, Bethesda, MD. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 2006;15(1):92-8.

Cervical Cancer Decrease Linked to Lycopene: U Illinois study found highest lycopene levels associated with 1/5 the level of cervical CA as lowest lycopene group. Lenthall

May Also Decrease Cancer Colon, Rectum, Breast: Mayo health.

Decreased Gastro-Intestinal Cancers Linked to Lycopene: A 30-60% decrease in GI cancers was found in a case control study of N. Italy of over 5000 patients. Franceschi, Int J Cancer 59:2:181-4 ’94.

Dutch Prospective No Benefit Lycopene. Carotenes Helped Prevent Prostate Cancer: 58,279 men 55-69 yo in 1986. After 6.3 years of follow-up, 642 incident prostate carcinoma cases. 150-item semi-quantitative food-frequency questionnaire. Positive association with prostate cancer for beta-cryptoxanthin RR = 1.00 (ref), 0.94, 1.01, 1.16, 1.41; p-trend < 0.01. For intake of retinol, vitamins C and E and other carotenoids (alpha-carotene, beta-carotene, lycopene, and lutein/zeaxanthin) no effect on overall prostate cancer risk was found. RRs for vitamin supplement use were decreased, but not significantly. Among nondrinkers, nonsignificant inverse associations were observed for intake of retinol, alpha-carotene, and beta-carotene (RRs, highest vs. lowest quintile, were 0.23, 0.60, and 0.76, respectively). Among drinkers, beta-cryptoxanthin was positively associated (RR highest vs lowest quintile = 1.40). Maastrich Univ. A prospective cohort study on intake of retinol, vitamins C and E, and carotenoids and prostate cancer risk (Netherlands). Schuurman AG, Goldbohm RA, Brants HA, van den Brandt PA. Cancer Causes Control 2002 Aug;13(6):573-82

Lycopene Helps Stop Prostate Cancer: Using the Physicians Study with 13 yr follow-up, 578 men who developed prostate CA were matched with 1200 controls. Lycopene intake (tomatoes) was the only food to differentiate and had a definite beneficial role especially decreasing more aggressive cases. Stampfer, M.J. Cancer Research. 1999, Mar 15, v59, n6, p1225-1230.

Lycopene Helps Heart: UNC study 1300 men with bodyfat samples. Those consuming most lycopene had half the risk of heart problems vs. least consumers. Am J Epid 10/15/97

Lycopene Doesn’t Help Heart: 73 286 female nurses 12 y f/u 998 incident cases of CAD. After adjustment for age, smoking, and other CAD risk factors, but no significant relation with intakes of lutein/zeaxanthin, lycopene, or beta-cryptoxanthin. For highest compared to lowest quintile, relative risks for beta-carotene and alpha-carotene were 0.74 and 0.80. Harvard, Dietary carotenoids and risk of coronary artery disease in women. Osganian SK, Stampfer MJ, Rimm E, Spiegelman D, Manson JE, Willett W Am J Clin Nutr. 2003 Jun;77(6):1390-9

Lycopene Supplements

Lycopene Supplement Lowers Asthma: Israeli study of 20 asthma sufferers given lycopene 30 mg/d supplement or placebo. After one week, 55% lycopene group had resistance to asthma after exercise vs. 15% decrease in lung function with placebo. Reduction of exercise-induced asthma oxidative stress by lycopene, a natural antioxidant. Neuman I, Nahum H, Ben-Amotz A. Allergy 2000;55:1184-9

Lycopene Supplement Helped Mouth Pre-Cancerous Leukoplakia: In a 3-month DB PC study of 58 patients with pre-cancerous leukoplakia, lycopene 4 mg b.i.d. and 2 mg b.i.d. did better than placebo (P<0.01). The response, assessed histologically, after the 8-mg lycopene treatment was significantly better than that from 4 mg lycopene (P<0.05) and than the response seen in the control group (P<0.001). Oral lycopene - an efficacious treatment for oral leukoplakia? Zakrzewska JM. Queen Mary's School of Dentistry, London UK. Evidence-Based Dentistry (2005) 6, 17-18.

Cost of Lycopene Supplements: 10 mg. capsules were available in bottles of 100 for as low as $6.89 in 2003.

Thomas E. Radecki, M.D., J.D.