


Fish Oil and Low Fat Diet Helped Multiple Sclerosis: In a 1-year DB PC study of 31 patients with relapsing-remitting MS, those on fish oil plus a low fat diet (15% fat) did better physically (P=0.050) and mentally (P=0.050) with reduced fatigue at 6 months (P=0.035) than those on olive oil capsules plus the AHA Step I diet (fat 30%). The relapse rate decreased in both groups but was slightly better for the fish oil-low fat group: -0.79 relapses/year (P=0.021) vs. -0.69 (P=0.044). Low fat dietary intervention with omega-3 fatty acid supplementation in multiple sclerosis patients. Weinstock-Guttman B, et al. State University of New York, Buffalo. Prostaglandins Leukot Essent Fatty Acids. 2005 Nov;73(5):397-404. 

MS DHA/EPA low: Compared to 30 healthy controls, both RBC EPA and DHA were low. Both groups incorporated just as easily during supplementation. RBC levels continued to increase during the two years of supplementation. Nightingale, Act Neurol Scand 7/90;82:43

MS Helped by fish oil and Low Sat Fats: 150 patients were followed for 34 years and treated with a diet of less than 20 g of saturated fat/d with an added 5 g (1 teaspoon) of cod liver oil. Those sticking to diet had minimal deterioration and 5% mortality. Those failing to stick to diet had 80% mortality. Helped moderate and severely affected. Women tended to do better than men. Those starting early did better than those starting later in disease process. Roy Swank, Oregon Health Sci Univ, Nutr 9/91;7:368-376. Diet with no butter fats or hydrogenated oils and animal fats max 15g/d. Veg oil that liquid at room temp were allowed from 10-40 g/d. No margarines, hydrogenated peanut butter or any shortenings. Diet had 60-90 g/d of protein from vegetables, cereals, nuts, fish, seafood, white meat of chicken, turkey cooked without skin, lean meats, occasional egg. Monitor commercially process foods. Relapse rate fell dramatically and quickly on diet, especially the 1st year but continued falling for five years.

Trend Toward Benefit fr Fish Oil: DB of 312 with fish oil two years found a trend toward benefit. Previous DB study found n-6 supplementation also somewhat helpful. Bates, UK, Ups J Med Sci Suppl ’90;48:173

No Connection fat type or fish intake in Nurses Study: Two Harvard nurses studies of 92,000 nurses followed for 14 and 4 years found no significant impact of fish or fat types on MS. Am J Epidemiol 2000 Dec 1;152(11):1056-64

Increase Omega 3, Decrease Exacerbations: and Improvement neurological status. Hum Nutr Appl Nutr 41(5):297-310 ’87

20 Countries Study: Increased Fat Linked to Increase MS: EG Knox, Br J Prev Soc Med 31(2):71-80, ’77

Breast Fed Have Less MS: Cow’s milk 1/5 linoleic and much less omega-3 than breast milk. Agranoff, Lancet ’74;2:1061-6. 

High fish, Low MS: e.g. Faroe Islands. Nature ’67;215:821-3

Fish Oil Helps Some: Some improvement in 5 of 12 patients on 4.2 g EPA, and 2.8 g DHA/d for 1-4 months (equivalent of 23 fish oil capsules per day). Author says may need more time. Br J Clin Prac ’87;40:365-7