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© 1993. Thomas E. Radecki, M.D., Doctors & Lawyers for a Drug Free Youth. P.O. Box 2653, Champaign, IL 61825. Tel: 217-328-3349. This review can be used and reproduced in any way as long as DFY and Dr Radecki are credited.

Reviews or articles to Get:

Maddox GL (Ed) (1970) The Domesticated Drug: Drinking Among Collegians. New Haven, College and University Press.

Brennan AF, Walfish S, AuBuchon P (1986) Alcohol use and abuse in college students. II. social/environmental correlates, methodological issues, and implications for intervention. Interntl J Addict 21:475-93.

Glynn TJ (1981) From family to peer: A review of transitions of influence among drug-using youth. J Youth and Adolescence 10:363-83.

Gorsuch RL, Butler MC (1976) Initial drug abuse: A review of predisposing social psychological factors. Psychol Bull 83:120-37.

Kandel DB (1980) Drug and drinking behavior among youth. Annual Review of Sociol 6:235-83

Wilks J (1988) Parent and peer influences on adolescent alcohol use. Drug Educ J of Australia 2:29-42

Biddle BJ, Bank BJ, Marlin MM (1980) Social determinants of adolescent drinking: What they think what they do and what I think they do. J Stud Alc 41:215-41

Feldman B, Rosenkrantz A (1977). Drug use by college students and their parents. Addict Diseases 3:235-42.

Dielman TE, Butchart AT, Shope JT, Miller M (1991). Environmental correlates of adolescent substance use and misuse: Implications for prevention programs. Interntl J Add 25:855-880. Peer norms are more important in predicting alcohol misuse but parental norms and monitoring are still of significance.

Banks BJ, Biddle BJ, Anderson DX, Hauge R, Keats DM, Keats JA, Marlin MM, Valantin S (1985). Comparative research on the social determinants of adolescent drinking. Soc Psychol Quart 48:164-77.

Feldman B, Rosenkrantz A (1977). Drug use by college students and their parents. Addict Dis 3:235-42.

Casswell S (1982). Alcohol use by Auckland high school students. New Zealand Med J 95:856-8.

Turner TJ, McClure L (1975). Alcohol and Drug Use by Queensland School Children. Dept of Education, Brisbane.

Stacey B, Davies T (1970). Drinking behavior in childhood and adolescence: An evaluative review. Br J Addict 65:203-12.

Harford TC (1976). Teenage alcohol use. Postgrad Med 60:73-6.

McKillip J, Johnson JE, Petzel TP (1973). Patterns and correlates of drug use among urban high school students. J Drug Educ 3:1-12.

Bland HT, Hewitt LE (1977). Alcohol and youthÑan analysis of the literature, 1960-75. Prepared for the U.S. natl Inst on Alc Abuse and Alcoholism. Springfield, Va: U.S. Nat. Tech Inf Serv. reports on assoc parents drinking and children.

Demone HW Jr (1973). The nonuse and abuse of alcohol by the male adolescent. Proc. 2nd Annual Alcoholism Conf, NIAAA pp 24-32.

Fink R (1962). Parental drinking and its impact on adult drinkers. California Drinking Practices Study. Report No 5, Berkeley, Calif.

Smart RG (1976). The New Drinkers: Teenage use and Abuse of Alcohol. Toronto: Addiction Research Foundation. May have data comparing teen and parent drinking.

Prendergast (1974) Q J Stud Alc 35:232-42. found lax maternal control and parental rejection correlated more with children's drinking than did parents' drinking behavior or attitudes toward drinking.

Hughes SP, Dobber RA (1983). Alcohol consumption patterns among college populations. J Student Personnel 24:257-64. Reportedly looks at an Oklahoma and Texas university and claimed different drinking pattern than that found in another study of New England students and claims the eastern students had fewer drinking problems and blamed on restrictiveness in OK and TX. Sounds like poor study.

Akers RL, Krohn MD, Lanza-Kaduce L, Radosevich M (1979). Social learning and deviant behavior: A special test for a general theory. Am Sociol Rev 44:635-55. 3,065 Midwest 7-12 graders in two stages with questionnaires in class of alcohol and marijuana with perceived parental and peer drug use. Differential peer association most important.

Brook JS, Whiteman M, Gordon AS (1982). Qualitative and quantitative aspects of adolescent drug use: Interplay of personality, family, and peer correlates. Psychol Rep 51:1151-63. 633 9-10th graders in 5 states surveyed about licit and illicit drugs. peers and family included.

Brook JS, Whiteman M, Gordon AS (1983). Stages of drug use in adolescence: Personality, peer, and family correlates. Dev Psychol 19:269-77. 933 more to above.

Kandel D (1974). Inter- and intragenerational influences of adolescent marijuana use. J Soc Issues 30:107-35.

Brook JS, Lukoff IF, Whiteman M (1977). Peer, family, and personality domain related to adolescents' drug behavior. Psychol Rep 41:1095-1102.

Brook J, Whiteman M, Gordon A, Brook D (1985). Father's influence on his daughter's marijuana use viewed in a mother and peer context. Adv Alcohol Subst Abuse 4(3,4):165-90.

Thomas E. Radecki, M.D., J.D.

Email: [email protected]